Many sports around the world are known for the equipment that players use, such as hockey sticks or basketballs or tennis racquets. Baseball, a major sport in the United States and Japan, is known for baseball bats, softball bats, and catcher’s mitts. Whether a pro athlete or a casual player, a baseball player is going to need the right bats for a good game, and such bats may be made of either wood or metal. These bats are perfectly suitable for gameplay as they are, but it’s also possible to make or purchase doctored bats for enhanced performance. Most often, this is a good idea for casual games rather than sanctioned events. A player may find shaved fastpitch softball bats for sale online, or make their own shaved fastpitch softball bats when they visit a shaving or rolling service. As for wood models, rolled bats may be greatly appealing for practice sessions or a casual game. What is there to know about shaved fastpitch softball bats and rolled baseball bats?
Shaved Metal Bats
While ash wood is the traditional material of baseball bats, some brands today offer baseball bats made of metal instead. These bats have hollow bodies and padding on the inside, and this keeps them secure while used in a game, and they are somewhat flexible. Still, a player may decide to look for (or make) shaved fastpitch softball bats, and these bats may offer greater performance than any ordinary bat. It’s possible to find them online with a search and order one, or a player may buy a metal bat and take it to a bat shaving and rolling service.
To shave a metal bat, the workers at a shaving and rolling service will remove the bat’s end cap to expose the hollow interior, and place that bat on a lathe. That bat will then be fed to a rotating grinder surface, and that grinder will scrape away a few ounces of material from the bat’s interior padding. Care should be taken so that the lathe table does not grind away too much material, and no material should be removed from the handle at all. Shaving the handle or shaving too much material may make the bat too fragile during use, and it might break. But assuming the shaving is done correctly, the bat is removed and its end cap is replaced. It is now ready for use.
In general, shaved fastpitch softball bats can strike balls further than regular ones, and this makes them appealing for casual games, though they are not allowed in sanctioned games. Also take note that shaved bats do not perform well in temperatures below 65 degrees Fahrenheit, so players may want to be careful about that.
Rolling Some Wooden Bats
Metal has not made wooden bats obsolete. Typically made from ash wood, these wooden bats can be broken in as they are used in practice and games. These bats have natural wooden fibers in them, and as the bat is used, the pressure of striking balls will bend and break those fibers, which is to be desired. A fully broken in bat is more flexible, and it may send balls flying farther than fresh ones will. But it is possible to simulate this lengthy process with a bat rolling service, and a player can also find rolled bats online and order one.
A fresh wooden bat can be taken to a bat rolling company, and that bat will be passed through a series of pressurized rollers that will distress the bat’s wooden fibers. This should be done carefully, since too much pressure will simply break the bat instead. The end result of bat rolling is a wooden bat that performs similarly to one that was naturally broken in, but faster.
Rolled bats are a great choice for practice sessions, where a player may use them as stand-ins for their prized broken in bats and avoid risking damage to those prized bats. Rolled bats may send balls very far, making them good substitutes. Casual games are another fine place for rolled bats, but take note that rolled bats are not allowed at sanctioned events. An expert might even recognize them on sight.
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