Not all hobbies are created equal. Some provide you a little bit of free time to clear your head before getting back to the grind. Others offer you a mix of benefits.

Fly fishing is one such hobby. Not only does it give you the chance to finally enjoy some fresh air, it comes bundled with a bunch of mental health benefits. You can even walk away with a nice catch once you’re finished! The United States is a melting pot of all sorts of hobbies, but one thing remains clear: fly fishing is a classic pasttime. Summer will be here before you know it, so consider branching out a bit in 2020.

With a Rod Reel and a Fly Fishing Outfit, you can enjoy a new skill and enjoy a mess of benefits every time you go to the river.

More Youth Participants Are Picking Up The Sport

While the common image of the avid fly fisher is an older adult, this hobby is something anyone can get into. Back in 2017 there were nearly 12 million youth participants, between the ages of six and 17 years old. Overall, around 50 million people tried out fly fishing at their favorite spots. You can bounce between freshwater and saltwater, depending on where you live, and explore different techniques with your Custom Fly Reel. The sky’s the limit!

Mental Health Benefits Are A Great Side-Effect Of Fly Fishing

Why does fly fishing leave people in such a good mood? It has something to do with the phenomenon of ‘flow’, a psychological benefit that comes with focusing on a task for long periods of time. People who participate in regular fly fishing report lower blood pressure, calmer moods, and reduced stress. If you’ve been considering attending therapy in the future, consider adding fly fishing to the list. You’ll be surprised by how good you feel after a few hours in the sun.

There Are Tons Of Tasty Fish To Catch And Cook

It’s not just more tolerable levels of stress you can get with a Discount Fly Rod. You also have a host of fish to catch and bring to the dinner table! The most common fish you can snatch with fly fishing are salmon and trout, both of which come with their own unique flavors and cooking styles. According to a 2016 study, nearly 10 billion pounds of fish were caught in the United States. Create your own bragging rights by bringing home a delicious freshwater trout and grilling it alongside rice.

Make Sure To Grab Your Fishing License Beforehand

It’s better to be safe than sorry. Before you grab your Discount Fly Rod, reach out to your local licensing department and ask about getting a fishing license. In 2018 there were under 30 million paid fishing license holders, with the gross cost of these licenses exceeding $720 million. These help the state keep track of who’s taking care of the environment and who’s not: a win-win for everyone. Once you’ve got this finished, your local fly fishing shop will be ready to help.

Visit Your Local Fly Fishing Shop To Stock Up On Basic Gear

How do you get the most out of your fly fishing excursion? Keep it simple and start with the basics. A Discount Fly Rod works just as well as a brand new model, with the exception of a smarter price. A Fly Fishing Outfit will do the dual work of keeping you dry and allowing you to carry all your equipment with you. Speaking of which, a Fly Fishing Tackle Bag is an essential part of any successful trip — these come with different angles, tackle, and spare lines.

Give yourself a hobby that just keeps on giving. Try fly fishing out yourself next time summer comes around with your very own Discount Fly Rod.

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