Here in the United States, recreational boating has become incredibly popular, with as much as a six percent increase in boat sales throughout the year of 2018 alone. And in the year of 2016, more than one hundred and forty one million people went boating over the course of just that one year – a number that has only increased in the years that have followed it. It is even estimated that up to eighty seven million people boat recreationally on a regular basis.
There are many different reasons why boating has become more popular than ever before, something that premier pontoon dealers can easily tell you about. As premier pontoon dealers will know, navigable bodies of water are all over the United States. In fact, it’s estimated that at least ninety five percent of the entire population of this country lives within an hour’s drive – or even less – away from at least one of them, making finding water to actually boat on an incredibly popular thing.
And as premier pontoon dealers can easily attest to, there are so many things to do while out on just about any body of water here in the United States. For instance, you can easily go swimming while you are out on your boat. You can also go fishing or even just lay around and spend time with your family. And if you are able to do so responsibly, enjoying some adult beverages on your boat (as long as you aren’t the one who is driving it) is also a great way to unwind for many people who enjoy recreational boating.
But what about the expenses? This is something that premier pontoon dealers want you to know is more feasible than ever before. In fact, while boating was perhaps once thought of as an activity of the very wealthy and well off, it is one that is far more accessible now than ever before. Statistics have even show that the vast majority of all recreational boaters in the United State – more than seventy percent of them – are firmly in the middle class, making no more than one hundred thousand dollars over the course of the year and sometimes making considerably less.
And many premier pontoon dealers also sell used pontoon boats. Used pontoons for sale offer an even greater accessibility to boating, providing a way to buy a boat without breaking the bank – or even needing to take out a loan in order to do so. And used boats are more popular than ever before, with nearly one million of them sold in the year of 2016 alone – and even more in the years since. And as premier pontoon dealers can show you, premier pontoons that are used are still often in excellent condition even though they have been previously owned.
Of course, pontoon boats are ideal for a number of reasons that can be easily elaborated on by your local premier pontoon dealers. For one thing, pontoon boats are typically not particularly large, making them ideal for transport and storage. As ninety five percent of all boats owned by average citizens and residents here in the United States tend not to exceed twenty six feet in length, the average size of a pontoon boat for sale is likely to be ideal for the typical prospective recreational boater.
And there’s no doubt about it that you will need to consider year round storage as another important factor in owning a boat. In climates in the United States where it is warm throughout the entire year, no matter what the month, you might be able to keep your boat in the harbor year round. However, people who live in colder climates will need to find alternate storage during the winter months.
Typically, this storage requires renting a storage facility, as the vast majority of people do not have the garage space to accommodate a boat, even a pontoon boat, for months and months at a time. And leaving your boat out in the elements is not a good idea, and is one that can damage you boat.