It’s almost August, which means that the next NFL football season is right around the corner and it’s time to start getting excited. Thursday through Sunday will soon be dominated by the hundred yard gridiron known as football, and there will be legions of fans playing in fantasy leagues, rooting with all their might, looking for free NFL picks, and also putting down big money on the games.
That’s right. It’s not taboo to be betting on NFL football anymore, as it has become common practice amongst football fans everywhere. Nearly 600 billion dollars changed hands worldwide due to gambling last year. In America alone, every state, with the exception of Utah, allows some sort of gambling —- be it scratch-off tickets at a gas station or fully functioning, glittering casinos. It is a massive industry that employs thousands upon thousands of people and also pays out a lot of money as well to talented, or just plain lucky, gamblers and sports fans everywhere. Of all the gambling that goes on, 13% of it revolves around sports betting worldwide. Of all the sports betting, most of it is done by teenagers and college students between the ages of 14 and 22. Most of them are male, as nearly a quarter of men bet at least once on sports in an average month. In other words, it is now something that is part of our sports culture, which means that daily sports picks are easier than ever to find.
The Internet has made betting on sports, and finding daily free sports picks, even easier. Sites that offer NFL bets online allow people to place bets on various games on a daily basis from anywhere with an internet connection, be it at home, in their offices or on their smart phones. Odds are posted with each possible game and the funds are transferred digitally, from the booking sites to bank accounts and vice versa. NFL bets online are as easy as posting your lineup for fantasy football and a great way to make some extra money, as well as adding some extra excitement to every NFL football game.