Water sports such as surfing, swimming, boating, windsurfing, and puddling are a great way to spend quality time with loved ones. If you are interested in these outdoor activities, you can check up the used boats for sale or buy a new boat altogether. Before sealing the deal with any particular boat dealer, it is imperative to shop around to have a feel of the different models.
There are various boats that are available in the United States, as 95% of them are manufactured and sold in the USA. One type of boat that is ideal for fishing and surfing is the pontoon boat. It has excellent features, including a full deck, which makes it suitable for families with children.
With the many brands available, it may be overwhelming to choose the ideal pontoon boat. Whether you are a beginner or experienced boat owner, settle for a boat that meets your needs. This article highlights a few things to look out for when buying pontoon boats.
Major Function of the Boat
You need to determine the primary purpose of your boat and whether it offers complementary features to aid your activities. For instance, a fishing boat requires adequate space on the deck, which provides stability. The pontoon boats come with extra room to place all your fishing accessories, including coolers, rod holders, fish finders, and live well.
If you are into skiing, you could choose one that has a high engine horsepower of at least 90. Pontoon boats are known for hosting a large crowd, which could slow down even a 90 HP. The speed would be higher when carrying two passengers as opposed to twelve people.
When it comes to used boats for sale, you could request for a test drive and check for speed, motor sounds, and gauge condition. In case the boat dealer allows you to take it for a trial run, make the experience as realistic as possible to detect any potential flaws. You want to purchase a boat that will perform the main functions and more.
Check the State of the hull
Boat dealers who specialize in used boats for sale can be quick to offer you an irresistible deal. However, before agreeing to anything, inspect the state of the hull and ensure everything is flawless. You could always hire a professional inspector who is familiar with the issues pertaining to pontoon boats.
When inspecting the hull, look for lumps, cracks, dents, patches, and damages. Repairs are a common occurrence in used boats, and what is essential is to determine the extent of the damage. Though there may be some correction done at the part where the deck joins the hull, the area should be as good as new.
Buyers who want to invest in used boats for sale should be keen on any sign that shows poor craftsmanship. Reckless repair speaks volumes on the state of the boat and could also pose potential problems. Regarding the shine of the hull, you can always opt to enhance the look by polishing the scratched surface.
Determine Your Preferred Boat Size
The size of the deck is a crucial factor when dealing with used boats for sale as it could restrict the number of passengers you can have on board. As a general rule, 16 to 19 feet holds up to eight persons and is excellent for small-sized water bodies that are calm. To make room for 13 individuals, you would need a pontoon boat that is 20 to 22 feet.
Pontoon boats for sale that are 20 to 22 feet are excellent for use in rivers and lakes that experience small waves. For 15 persons to cruise comfortably, the boat would have to be 23 to 27 feet, which are measurements that could withstand choppy waters. With large-sized boats comes extra expenses on insurance policies, fuel usage, and accessories.
You can take advantage of reputable dealerships that offer used boats for sale with added features. It is imperative to conduct thorough research before any purchase.