Are you looking for children?s toys that will keep them engaged and learning? Are you tired of plunking your child in front of a screen, but need something that will involve them? Magnets for kids will keep them focused, because creative toys for children give them so much to do and discover.
Retail group Argos? research has found that more than 60% of adults who work in design based fields, like design and architecture, loved playing with blocks as children, and 66% of adults who work in math related areas, like accountants and bankers, preferred to play with puzzles when they were young. Magnets for kids can be found in magnetic building blocks and magnetic toys for building; encourage your budding Frank Gehry.
Young children need long, uninterrupted periods of spontaneous free play, 45 to 60 minutes minimum daily, to encourage well-being and learning, but in the right setting. Studies show that children have a 25% greater ability to learn when they are in an environment that stimulates them; magnets for kids do just that, stimulate their imaginations so playtime becomes educational. In fact, during just 15 minutes of free play, children will, inadvertently, use part of that time absorbing information about spatial principles and mathematics. Experts say that three to six year olds should play with toys that promote problem solving: blocks that snap together (like magnetic stick and stack toys), puzzles with 12 to 20 pieces, and objects to sort by shape, length, height, width, smell, color, and other aspects.
Now, not all magnets for kids are created equal. If you?re looking for magnetic tiles that will allow your burgeoning architect to build higher-story stuctures with a more solid base to build on, Magna Tiles will not meet your needs.
So, stop relying on the TV and iPad to get a moment?s peace and give your kids toys that will give them more than just momentary distraction.