Why beginner swim lessons are Important For Children
Sports are an essential aspect of growing up, and even with a gentle approach, they can help in the growth of infants who choose to participate in beginner swim lessons over that of the average neighborhood little. league. Sadly, young children nowadays are not even partaking in that of the simple and equally joyful excitement that makes swimming lessons a great start for their adolescent athleticism. Did you know that over 79 percent of children in families having household income less than $50,000 have no/low swimming ability whatsoever? Such a statistic should work well to alarm the many parents who are already concerned for their children in that they are not even participating in beginner swim lessons.
beginner swim lessons And Future Safety
This concern regarding swimming lessons being avoided should not only focus in the long term, given that it should work well to affect children as they become older in cross into the realm of adult hood. It’s no coincidence to know that over 37 percent of American adults can’t swim any further than the length of an average pool. This type of statistic is something that goes back all the way to childhood and how as children, those same adults never even bothered to take weekly swim lessons, which further means a complete lack of awareness when it comes to matters like water safety. In fact, drowning is the second-leading cause of unintentional injury and death for children and sixth for adults, regardless of what age group they fall under. When the red cross makes a 2014 report stating that an average of 10 people die every day from unintentional drowning shows just how instrumental it is that children start taking beginner swim lessons of some kind, and not just because of the simple joy of swimming that is very much associated with the many beginner programs that work well to have toddlers and infants learn how to swim.
Statistic Of Children Who Haven’t Learned To Swim
Further statistical facts illustrate that over 64 percent of children of African-American heritage have no to low swimming ability, which is only a small 19% advantage in comparison to the 45 percent of children with a Hispanic background who have a low swimming ability. If a 1998 poll conducted by Gallup estimated that over 68 percent of Americans are afraid of deep, open water, then again, it all boils down to those childhood years where those same adults, regardless of their national background, all skipped taking the weekly swimming lesson that could very much have benefited them, even if they were simple beginner level swimming lessons.
In Conclusion
No child is perfect. In fact, no little boy or girl who is given the chance to experience the complete joy of swimming through a beginner swimming lesson program is going to be a pro swimmer, and such an approach will not make them a super star in athletics. However, by having a child participate early on in swimming lessons, parents will be helping their child avoid what could be a massively detrimental problem in the future as they become older and they reach a point where although it won’t exactly be too late for them in taking swimming lessons because it never is too late. However, if that person is in the water, or winds up in the water at the wrong period in their life, and they have no means of navigating, simply because they didn’t take any swimming lessons whatsoever, only shows how sad a state athletics is in general in the United States when something as simple and as less challenging as learning how to play baseball or soccer can be avoided. Out of the many practiced athletic activities in the United States, swimming is the least difficult, and yet, it is the most safety oriented for toddlers and infants!