Monday. Monday. Can’t trust that day.
Especially when it comes to golf!
As you find yourself coming home early from another rainy Monday night when golf league has been rained out, it certainly seems like their is some kind of conspiracy. In fact, it has taken more than a month to get in the two week league championship. Even when nowhere else in the city is getting rain, the thunder and lightening seems to follow your league week after week.
Finding a Way to Make Sure That You Stay on Top of Your Golf Game Can be a Challenge
Home golf simulators area great way to practice your game while you are away from the course. Whether it is spring and summer weather or the winter months that are keeping you from getting out to the course, it is important to make sure that you still have a way to stay on the top of your game.
If you are a golf enthusiast, you likely know the frustration of having weather interrupt your outings. Fortunately, with the use of home golf simulators you can still practice some of the skills that you use the most often.
Consider some of these facts and figures about golfing in America and the impact that it has on the nation’s economy:
- In the year 2015, a total of 2.2 million people took up the game of golf.
- An average 18 hole golf course covers as much as 125 to 150 acres of land.
- The average driving distance for 2017 was 220.0 yards, according to a study from Arccos.
- Golf, as a whole, generates as much as $3.9 billion in charitable giving every year.
- 67 million to 1 is the chance of two holes in one in a single round of golf.
- The average USGA handicap for a man has improved nearly two full strokes from 16.3 to 14.4 in the last 25 years. For women, handicaps dropped from 29.7 in 1991 to 26.1 in just the year 2016.
Unfortunately, fewer than 5% of adults participate in 30 minutes of physical activity each day. in fact, only one in three adults receive the recommended amount of physical activity each week. Golf is one activity that can help you change those numbers. When you make the decision to golf on a regular basis, especially if you decide to walk instead of ride a cart, you are moving yourself into the 33% of Americans who get the amount of weekly exercise that is recommended. Even when the weather does not cooperate, you can still get the exercise that you need by using one of the best home golf simulators.