One of the reasons so many competitive fishers take Alaskan fishing trips is because of the wide range of fish there are to catch there. Here are just a few of the most popular ones!
King Salmon.
One of the most popular types of fish in Alaska is the king salmon. So popular are these mammoth marine animals that the Last Frontier even made the king salmon its state fish. Capable of growing up to about 100-pounds, these fish in Alaska are no small challenge. If you plan to go king salmon fishing in Alaska, you’d better come correctly with the right equipment. Otherwise, you won’t stand a chance of catching these fish in Alaska.
Rainbow Trout.
Of all the different types of fish in Alaska, the rainbow trout is one of the most sought after native game fishes, because of the tough fight these creatures put up. Fishers can catch them in both fresh and saltwater… if they have the strength and skill, that is.
The sheefish is one of the most abundant fish in Alaska, particularly around the Kuskokwim and Yukon river drainages. The reason these fish are so popular is not only because of their size and strength, but also because they’re absolutely delicious. Though they’re found in other places, fishers who seek to catch these mammoth fish in Alaska should head to these regions specifically.
Northern Pike.
If there’s one thing you should know about Northern Pike, it’s that they eat three to four times their weight over the course of a year, which means that they’re usually monstrous by the time spring rolls around. For this fact, these fish are incredibly popular catches.
The reason an incredible amount of competitive anglers take fishing trips to Alaska is because of the wide variety of fish the Last Frontier has to offer. There are king salmon, rainbow trout, sheefish, and even northern pike. If you know of any other types of fish in Alaska, feel free to talk about them in the comments.