Soccer is the most popular sport in the world, with hundreds of countries housing professional teams, minor leagues, school teams, and youth leagues. It is also one of the simplest sports to learn. It only requires the knowledge of how to kick a ball, and rest can be learned with practice. This is why soccer training programs for kids, youth soccer leagues, and summer soccer camps are in demand every year.
The soccer training drills for kids keep them active, allowing a high level of aerobic exercise, and also building a significant amount of stamina. Along with greater strength and endurance, physical activity and cardiovascular exercise also increases self-esteem, helps control weight, and optimizes cholesterol levels, according to the CDC. Soccer’s additional advantage is that it fosters collaboration, teamwork, and perseverance.
While you may know about soccer’s health benefits, and that it ranks number one globally on the list of all time favorite sports, here are few things you may not know about it.
- Soccer-like games were played in China as far back as 2000 years ago, and Native Americans used to play a game called, pasuckuakohowog, which roughly translates to “they gather to play ball with the foot.” This game included as many as 1,000 players, and participants often suffered serious bone injuries after hours, and sometimes days, of playing.
- The name “soccer” was created as an abbreviation for association football. The soc portion of the word was shortened to set it apart from the global term “football” that is used in most countries. This also helps to distinguish soccer from American football.
- Every soccer field is actually called a pitch. This is because the entire field is “pitched,” meaning that it is slanted or sloped, 5 degrees upward. Players switch sides for each half so that every team has to play with the incline for one half. This could make soccer training drills for kids more difficult, but also help increase endurance at a young age.
- You may think that a soccer ball is a perfectly round shape, but in actuality, the ball is ever-so-slightly oval-shaped. The mix and match hexagon checker board shapes on the ball give it the illusion of being circular.
- Soccer players get a significant amount of exercise with every game. Professional athletes run as much as 48 kilometers, or 3.9 miles every match, and this running keeps them in top shape.
For any soccer fan, these fun facts can be extremely informative. They are a testament to the importance of soccer over the centuries, and how it has benefited millions over people all over the world. So the next time you see soccer training drills for kids, youth soccer tournaments, or recreational leagues, remember that this sport is rooted in history as one of the oldest, most health-concious sports to date. Continue reading here.